
Everyone at Health Spotter is Super Proud of what we do. We are passionate about helping people and are 100% focused on your journey. If you're happy, we are happy!

Over the last 2 years, we have helped over 50,000 Australians to find a better deal on their Private Health Insurance. (Up to the 29 July 2022)

That's nearly 1 in every 2 people we refer make a change for the better. We've got to be doing something right!


The Australian Private Health Insurance Industry

44.5% of the Australian population has some hospital cover in place (Statista.com)

According to health.gov.au 13.6 million people have some type of private health insurance, hospital and/or extras but many people don’t fully understand what they are getting for their money and what they are covered for. Just like you would speak to a financial planner to sort your finances, you should speak to a Health Insurance Expert to sort your health insurance!
We recommend doing a comparison once every 12 months to make sure you and your family are protected!

What we do

The team at Health Spotter are leading the way in helping Australians to get a better deal on their private health insurance.

With their customer first approach, this is all about you! All we require is some very basic information to get us started and then we can assist you in comparing your policy with a panel of specially selected Health Funds.

At the end of the process one of 3 things will happen;
1. You will find a cheaper policy with another provider that covers you for the same things
2. You will find a policy that is even better than you have now for the same price
3. OR we will confirm that the policy you have right now is the best for you and to stay where you are

Our commitment to you is that we would never ask you to do anything that is not in your best interest!

Critical information

So you can get the most out of doing a comparison it is critical that you have a little bit of information available.

Policy details: There are hundreds of different policies in the private health insurance market, each with their unique bells and whistles that make them important.

To do a proper comparison, our consultants will ask you for your exact policy name. This will allow us to find the exact policy details and what your covered for currently. That way when we do the comparison with you, you’ll be able to know exactly the difference a new policy will make to you and your family.

Alternatively, if you can’t find the exact policy name, not to worry, an exact premium price will assist our consultants to source your exact policy details for you.

We will only ask you for your age or year of birth. This is so we can work out rebates and loadings.

We will ask you what’s important to you about your health insurance.
A critical question that our consultants will ask you is “If you had a magic wand and could change anything about your policy, what would it be?” You’d be amazed at some of the critical information that comes from this question. Unfortunately we can’t make your policy free, as much as we would like to…

And that’s about all of the hard questions apart from your name and postcode so we know how to address you and we don’t call you at the wrong time.
From this, we are able to have a really good conversation with you about what is one of the most important products that you could have in your life!

Important Notice: Your privacy is important to us. We only use this information at the time of organising a comparison for you. Once we have done that, we delete your personal information because that’s the way we would want it too.

Book a comparison

To book a quick chat with one of our friendly consultants, use this form.
We will make a quick call to you to find out the best time and date to start to organise a comparison for you. It's easy as!

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